Public Comments
Submitted to Gov. Newsome's office
December 26, 2026
Topics covered: Albacore Fishery Disaster Declaration and Shoreside Infrastructure Loss.
Submitted March 10, 2024
Topics Covered: Oil Spills, Upwelling, Loss of Fishing Area, Site Survey Work, Food Security Concerns, Socio-economic Impacts, Port Development Concerns- Humboldt Bay, Environmental Implications, Dredging in the Humboldt Bay Estuary, Harbor Entrance Safety, Harbor Entrance Safety, Humboldt Bay Air Quality Impacts, Mining of Fill and Gravels, Water Pollution from Assembly Platforms and Piers, Restricted Recreational Use, Coastal Viewshed, Lighting, Dust Control, Bird Strikes by Wind Turbine Blades, Fisheries Displacement, Carbon Neutrality, Conservation of Energy and Resources
Submitted February 8, 2023
Topics Covered: Impacts, Harbor Impacts, Hazards to Navigation, Site Survey Impacts, Data Collection Buoys, Impacts from Ocean Surface Transit Lanes, Impacts from Submarine Cables, Impacts from Proposed Floating Substations, Impacts at Ocean Lease Sites, Catastrophic Loss of Power Generation Units, Transfer of title and Subsequent Abandonment of Energy Infrastructure, Decommissioning Impacts, Impacts from Actions of Subcontractors, Impacts from Multinational Developer’s Legal Counsel, Impacts from State and Federal Agencies